During this time, I also lost some friends. Rumors were started about me and I became unwelcome in many places. I can honestly say that I had never felt more shunned in all of my life. I know that I made mistakes and with the help and advice of our marriage counselor and pastor, I worked through my issues and realized that as long as I had sincerely apologized and forgiven them as well as myself, God was pleased. Now don't think for a moment that any of it was easy.....apologizing or forgiving (especially myself)....but it was what God required of me. With time, I began receiving messages of forgiveness from some of the people I had pushed away. I didn't expect the friendships to be anything like what they were before, I was just ecstatic to know I had been forgiven!
Today was another hard day for me but not because of problems in our marriage. I am now teaching Kindergarten at an awesome elementary school and have had to adjust a lot to not only teaching younger students but teaching them so that they meet the common core standards. Today, all of the kindergarten teachers went to a math meeting and to say that I was overwhelmed is an understatement.....pretty much any math meeting stresses me out! Lol! During the meeting, I was evaluating what I have been teaching and what I need to change and incorporate in order for my students to have success and I started feeling very defeated. All too often I feel that I am not enough.....that my students are going to fail because I am not enough for them. So I came home from school very depressed. After praying and reading some of the verses I have highlighted in my Bible, I began to feel much better until I was hit in the face with another dose of reality......I care deeply for those whom I consider to be my friends but that doesn't mean I am going to get the same care in return. Please don't think that I become friends with people because of what they can do for me.....that is not the case at all. I love people for who they are and always make myself available to help or give support in any way I can.......and then, at times, I am told these dreaded words "I'm just too busy." Those words break my heart. I completely understand what it means to be busy.....if I am not spending time with Nick or raising/spending time with Neela, I am either working on things for my classroom or serving at church. I do my best to keep it all balanced but if I have a friend in need....if they need to talk because they are depressed or just want to talk about something exciting going on in their life, I do what I can to make sure I am there for them and that does not mean that I neglect my family by any means.
I know this sounds stupid or even childish to many, but its who I am. I do not appreciate being lied to or ignored and do everything I can not to lie to or ignore anyone because its just plain rude. I have been struggling all night with how to deal with all of these emotions. I didn't want to cry in front of Neela because then it makes her sad and I dread the day she has to start dealing with these same issues. Its easy to say that I am not going to let it bother me but if you know me...the real me.....you know that can't be done. I have been praying and reading my Bible to find answers to how to overcome this but its not something I can do alone. Thankfully, I know that Nick prays for me daily and for specific needs that I have and I know he will do whatever it takes to help me get through this.....but it still hurts like heck! I know this is part of life but I honestly never thought I would be dealing with this stuff at the age of 31. I am sharing this because I know I am not the only one that has felt inferior or unwanted. Its been my experience that when I know I am not the only one dealing with something, it gives new perspective and helps me to realize that it will be ok. Here are some verses & quotes that are helping me get through all of this.
"Jesus replied, You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand." - John 13:7
"In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart, I have overcome the world!" - John 16:33
"But the Lord stood with me and gave me strength!" - 2 Timothy 4:17
I hope you all know how much I love and appreciate you! I didn't write this for a pity party but to give encouragement. With your focus on God, there is nothing you can't get through!
Love you all!