Friday, December 27, 2013

What will you do to improve?

In 5 days, it will officially be 2014. Every year at this time, people make "New Years Resolutions" and hardly ever stick to them.....myself included. Most resolutions are about losing weight or how they are going to be better organized and less stressed. I came across a journal entry by a pastor titled "4 Things You Need to Say Before 2014" and, due to recent deaths of family & friends, it really hit home with me but not as something I only do before 2014....I want to make these sayings a part of my daily "routine" and say them/show them in a way that people will know that I truly mean them. The 4 things you should tell people are:

1. "I Love You         
2. "I Am Sorry"        
3. "I Forgive You"    
4. "Jesus Loves You"

Some of you are thinking...."I tell people these things all the time!"....but do you mean it? Actions truly do speak louder than words. If you love someone, show them. If you are truly sorry, don't keep making the same mistake. If you have forgiven someone, don't continue to bring it up and make them feel guilty about it. Jesus does love everyone and so should you....we are ALL sinners and the only one who can judge us is I'm about to say something that is going to step on some toes but here goes...."YOU ARE NOT GOD." You do not have the right to judge anyone. You are not better than anyone else nor will you ever be better than anyone else. You are also not in charge of what anyone else does, only the choices you make. Shocker, right????  Do your toes hurt? I know mine do. I said what I did because it is something I have to tell myself A LOT.

There has been a lot of death happening all around me grandfather, a friend, my husband's friend......and it has really been a reality check about what is most important in this life. God put us on this earth to spread his word and show his love. The best way to show his love is to truly love people yourself. When I say love, I don't mean the romantic notion that is portrayed on TV, movies, or in songs.....I mean making the choice to care about someone regardless of how you feel. Love is not a feeling, it is a choice. When it is the end of my time here on Earth, I want people to know without a doubt that I loved them, I am sorry for the wrong I have done, and I have forgiven any wrong done to me. I also want to know that I have done my part in spreading God's word & love. These are not things you should only worry about when you or someone else is about to die but on a daily basis.

So this year, I'm not just making resolutions.......I am making life choices. I am devoting myself to becoming the person that God wants me to be, not what I or others think I should be. Some people will never be happy with me no matter what I do......but as long as I am doing what God is calling me to do, that's all that matters. When God calls me home, I want to be able to say that I fought hard to do all he has called me to do. I challenge everyone who reads this to not just make resolutions for 2014 but to really think about whether you are doing what God is calling you to do or what you think you should do. Happy New Year to all of you!!!

Until next time, remember:
"I love you, I am sorry, I forgive you, and most importantly Jesus Loves You!!"