Wednesday, February 2, 2011

"When I am 100 years old...."

Yesterday, February 1st, we celebrated the 100th day of school. One of our activities was to write about what you will be doing when you are 100 years old. Here are some of the things my students wrote along with a few of their drawings that I just had to share!

When I am 100 years old, I will ...........
                  * call some people to bring me to the hospital and share my money
                  * do nothing but eat food
                  * buy a chair, relax, and go to sleep
                  * get a job and a car
                  * live in a fancy house with millions of dollars and will work as a teacher
                  * sleep in my chair and watch TV
                  * live in my own house and pay bills with my husband
                  * live in Louisiana, read a book every day, watch TV, take walks, and play with
                           my puppy

this just cracked me up
paying bills with her husband

buy a chair, relax, and go to sleep

looking good at 100!

I hope you have enjoyed this as much as I have!


  1. This is really funny!!! Especially the one that said they were going to live in a fancy house with millions of dollars and work as a teacher... I need to teach at THAT school?! haha :)

  2. Natalie! Thanks for sharing these... They are precious!.... and the pictures are so cute! I love it!!!
