Friday, December 27, 2013

What will you do to improve?

In 5 days, it will officially be 2014. Every year at this time, people make "New Years Resolutions" and hardly ever stick to them.....myself included. Most resolutions are about losing weight or how they are going to be better organized and less stressed. I came across a journal entry by a pastor titled "4 Things You Need to Say Before 2014" and, due to recent deaths of family & friends, it really hit home with me but not as something I only do before 2014....I want to make these sayings a part of my daily "routine" and say them/show them in a way that people will know that I truly mean them. The 4 things you should tell people are:

1. "I Love You         
2. "I Am Sorry"        
3. "I Forgive You"    
4. "Jesus Loves You"

Some of you are thinking...."I tell people these things all the time!"....but do you mean it? Actions truly do speak louder than words. If you love someone, show them. If you are truly sorry, don't keep making the same mistake. If you have forgiven someone, don't continue to bring it up and make them feel guilty about it. Jesus does love everyone and so should you....we are ALL sinners and the only one who can judge us is I'm about to say something that is going to step on some toes but here goes...."YOU ARE NOT GOD." You do not have the right to judge anyone. You are not better than anyone else nor will you ever be better than anyone else. You are also not in charge of what anyone else does, only the choices you make. Shocker, right????  Do your toes hurt? I know mine do. I said what I did because it is something I have to tell myself A LOT.

There has been a lot of death happening all around me grandfather, a friend, my husband's friend......and it has really been a reality check about what is most important in this life. God put us on this earth to spread his word and show his love. The best way to show his love is to truly love people yourself. When I say love, I don't mean the romantic notion that is portrayed on TV, movies, or in songs.....I mean making the choice to care about someone regardless of how you feel. Love is not a feeling, it is a choice. When it is the end of my time here on Earth, I want people to know without a doubt that I loved them, I am sorry for the wrong I have done, and I have forgiven any wrong done to me. I also want to know that I have done my part in spreading God's word & love. These are not things you should only worry about when you or someone else is about to die but on a daily basis.

So this year, I'm not just making resolutions.......I am making life choices. I am devoting myself to becoming the person that God wants me to be, not what I or others think I should be. Some people will never be happy with me no matter what I do......but as long as I am doing what God is calling me to do, that's all that matters. When God calls me home, I want to be able to say that I fought hard to do all he has called me to do. I challenge everyone who reads this to not just make resolutions for 2014 but to really think about whether you are doing what God is calling you to do or what you think you should do. Happy New Year to all of you!!!

Until next time, remember:
"I love you, I am sorry, I forgive you, and most importantly Jesus Loves You!!"

Monday, October 21, 2013

Wow, What a year!......and a day!

The past year has been an extreme emotional roller coaster for me! A year ago, my marriage practically fell apart. Nick & I were both focused more on other things and other people than we were each other until one day when "the crap hit the fan" and we realized something had to be done. We were faced with a huge decision that day.......give up trying and divorce or work our butts off to save our marriage.....obviously we chose the 2nd option. We agreed that we didn't get married to give up when things got tough and we especially weren't going to go against God's will for our lives. We immediately started counseling with our pastor and then with a marriage counselor. I'm not gonna was gut wrenching work at times...but through the course of counseling, reading God's word daily, and constant prayer, we made it through! This past summer, on August 2nd, Nick & I renewed our vows. This was a very special time not only because of the commitment we were making to each other but the commitment we were also making to Neela.

During this time, I also lost some friends. Rumors were started about me and I became unwelcome in many places. I can honestly say that I had never felt more shunned in all of my life. I know that I made mistakes and with the help and advice of our marriage counselor and pastor, I worked through my issues and realized that as long as I had sincerely apologized and forgiven them as well as myself, God was pleased. Now don't think for a moment that any of it was easy.....apologizing or forgiving (especially myself)....but it was what God required of me. With time, I began receiving messages of forgiveness from some of the people I had pushed away. I didn't expect the friendships to be anything like what they were before, I was just ecstatic to know I had been forgiven!

Today was another hard day for me but not because of problems in our marriage. I am now teaching Kindergarten at an awesome elementary school and have had to adjust a lot to not only teaching younger students but teaching them so that they meet the common core standards. Today, all of the kindergarten teachers went to a math meeting and to say that I was overwhelmed is an understatement.....pretty much any math meeting stresses me out! Lol! During the meeting, I was evaluating what I have been teaching and what I need to change and incorporate in order for my students to have success and I started feeling very defeated. All too often I feel that I am not enough.....that my students are going to fail because I am not enough for them. So I came home from school very depressed. After praying and reading some of the verses I have highlighted in my Bible, I began to feel much better until I was hit in the face with another dose of reality......I care deeply for those whom I consider to be my friends but that doesn't mean I am going to get the same care in return. Please don't think that I become friends with people because of what they can do for me.....that is not the case at all. I love people for who they are and always make myself available to help or give support in any way I can.......and then, at times, I am told these dreaded words "I'm just too busy." Those words break my heart. I completely understand what it means to be busy.....if I am not spending time with Nick or raising/spending time with Neela, I am either working on things for my classroom or serving at church. I do my best to keep it all balanced but if I have a friend in need....if they need to talk because they are depressed or just want to talk about something exciting going on in their life, I do what I can to make sure I am there for them and that does not mean that I neglect my family by any means.

I know this sounds stupid or even childish to many, but its who I am. I do not appreciate being lied to or ignored and do everything I can not to lie to or ignore anyone because its just plain rude. I have been struggling all night with how to deal with all of these emotions. I didn't want to cry in front of Neela because then it makes her sad and I dread the day she has to start dealing with these same issues. Its easy to say that I am not going to let it bother me but if you know me...the real know that can't be done. I have been praying and reading my Bible to find answers to how to overcome this but its not something I can do alone. Thankfully, I know that Nick prays for me daily and for specific needs that I have and I know he will do whatever it takes to help me get through this.....but it still hurts like heck! I know this is part of life but I honestly never thought I would be dealing with this stuff at the age of 31. I am sharing this because I know I am not the only one that has felt inferior or unwanted. Its been my experience that when I know I am not the only one dealing with something, it gives new perspective and helps me to realize that it will be ok. Here are some verses & quotes that are helping me get through all of this.

         "Jesus replied, You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand." - John 13:7

        "In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart, I have overcome the world!" - John 16:33

       "But the Lord stood with me and gave me strength!" - 2 Timothy 4:17

I hope you all know how much I love and appreciate you! I didn't write this for a pity party but to give encouragement. With your focus on God, there is nothing you can't get through! 

Love you all!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Guess who!?!

The last time I posted a blog was about a year and a half ago......thought I might give it another try! My life has changed ALOT in since my last post and I feel I have grown a lot as a mom, a wife, a friend, and even just as a person. Like before, my posts are always going to be open and honest so be prepared!  I don't believe in pretending everything is fine & dandy when it's's just not who I am.

My relationship with God is better now than I ever thought it could be. I have struggled with friendships and other relationships over the past year & a half and it has caused me to fully rely on God and not try to do things on my own. People have come into my life,  some have walked out of my life and then some walked back in and I can honestly say that every one of them was worth the time and effort I put into that friendship/relationship. I have made a TON of mistakes but choose to learn from them instead of constantly punish myself.

Some of the posts I make will be happy and some of them will be hard but that's how life is! My posts will be about my past experiences as well as new lessons I'm learning. I will also include all of the changes that have been made in my life, like my sister getting married (aaaahhhh!!!!) and my new job.  Happy reading!!

Love you all!!